Sunday, November 26, 2006

My Christmas Wish List

Would someone please give Hays this link to my Blogger? I don't want it to be obvious or anything! I know, I tastes aren't exactly cheap but I don't want all of them. What am I saying? Of course I want all of them...I just don't expect them all. BUT, Hays would so be the hero if he did get me all of them!! Thought you guys might like to see what is on my wish list for Christmas. I will let you know if I get any of them. Cross your fingers for me!!

An IMac G5 is so on the top of my wish list! Isn't she a beauty? This computer doesn't even have a tower...everything is right inside the monitor. I have never owned a Mac but these days there isn't anything you can't do with an Apple computer. If he is going to get me one of these, he better get online quick. Wishful thinking!!

I know, I already have a digital camera BUT I really want a GOOD digital camera. They just take such crisp, amazing pictures.

I don't think I will get this as Hays hates to sleep with music. I have the worst alarm clock in the world and I really would use this. We have surround sound in our house but we certainly don't sleep with it on and I would love to have my music playing at night. Won't hold my breath for this one either.

I want some earrings to match my necklace Hays got me last year. I really want other things more so I am trying not to make too big of a deal about this. So spoiled!

I shouldn't even put this tv on my wishlist as we will be getting one for our bedroom anyhow. We have nowhere to put a console now that we are getting new furniture. What is wrong with America? What is so wrong with plopping the television right on top of the dresser?

Oh, I would so love one of these babies BUT I put it at the bottom of my wishlist because I certainly don't expect one unless he goes to NY sometime soon. Just don't tell me if that's what he does!!


Averi said...

I am so glad I already got your way will I be able to buy you any of this!! Hey, what is Hays's e-mail? I will give him a hint....

Jennifer Adling said...

I got Eric that iPod alarm clock for his is great! You need one for sure!

I think the Tag too!