Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Joys of Being in Amarillo

We received 7.5 inches of snow on Thursday, November 30th. The kids didn't have to go to school but we didn't have the proper attire during the day so after Hays got home from work, he took the kids outside for an hour or so. Thanks to Tiffeni for providing my kiddos with snowgear. We aren't used to stocking up on snow clothes and boots but I will make sure they have plenty now since we have moved to a colder climate. That is still so weird to me being we are only two hours north of Lubbock. Oh well, it's something we will get used to over time.


Averi said...

They look like they are having fun. What are Hays and Blaze discussing in that last picture? I love snow, and I know Hays I hope they had a great time!

Kim said...

Those are great boots!!!! And looks like the snow was fun....I wonder if Ava will ever get a day off in the snow, those we're the best!!

Jennifer Adling said...

LOve the snow...looks like you guys had fun!