My dad said I looked like a mongoloid or for lack of better terms, a child with Down's, when I was little. I think I was cute but I kind of understand him now as I had some funky features. Kari and I looked nothing alike then and we still don't to this day. I think this was taken in '73.
Man, I knew we were poor but geez, look at those dresses and even worse, look at those haircuts my mom personally gave us. OUCH! Cute little Lance...who would have known he would gave grown up to be such a punk?
Wowzer...check out this wedding shot! Kristin, I bet you would have loved to have been the photographer at this one. I wish I had a shot of the entire wedding party to post. Kari's colors were pastel rainbow. I had light blue and then there was pale yellow, light pink, light green, lavender. I remember it being so beautiful at that time but geez, that was over 20 years ago. Our hats are just to die for!!
I can't even tell you how hot you look in that dress. Beautiful. And if your dad still has that suit, I know someone could wear it for Halloween sometime. Or to next year's Christmas party!!!
Ohhh bridesmaid dress....and I thought I had some bad ones!! Ok, but really most 70's-early 80's pics are pretty bad for all of us...maybe another blog topic....5 most embarassing pictures?
So funny your mom was doing all the haircuts in the house...Kari's bang look like my daughters right now in that one...crooked, b/c I did it. She has so little hair I refuse to take her to get her little bangs trimmed so I did it the other day...and that's the result...Crooked!!!
I so remember this wedding, I know I thought you guys were the most beautiful thinks on that day...sooo funny!!
the family one is my favorite or maybe the feather style all great!!!
Great post!!
HAHA! Great pictures! Marnie (spelling?) was a hottie! Lance looks like he was up to something in all the pics....he probably was! I dont think that I have ever seen younger pictures of Aunt Kari!!!! I loved them!!!
Hilarious! I loved all of them and they made me laugh so hard!!
Those are the best!! Amazing how good we all thought we looked back in the day!! too funny!!
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