Friday, February 15, 2008

We're Back

So you may remember when I was a part of group called the Cyber Sisters?? Well, we are going to try to get started again posting weekly topics. I am not so sure it will be as consistent as it was last year because there are some of us (no names mentioned) who haven't posted in months and months! Anyway, in the spirit of Valentine's Day, our topic this week is about LOVE. So, here are the five things I am absolutely LOVIN' right now:

1. My BlackBerry - I really thought I wanted the iPhone and I am so glad I didn't get it. This is the greatest invention ever...and man, can I go to town on the typing.

2. PhotoShop or CS2 - this software has been my saving grace over the last several months. It has kept me busy and its been so much fun to see what I can make out of my images. Now, if I could just get some new pictures (hint hint! anyone need pics taken of their special someone?) Many of you have seen this picture if you have visited my website; however, this is one of my favorites post-PhotoShop.

3. Tennis (DUH!) - Also another one of my saving graces that has kept me busy over the last four long months. I will say my game is not up to par at all, though. I haven't played good in three or four weeks...I think it may be my tennis elbow. Ouch! This hurts bad!!

4. Friday Night Lights - OMG, if you haven't watched this, go out and buy the first and second seasons and watch them when nothing else is on...then, start watching every Friday night. This show so takes me back to high school when we "cheered our asses off." (BTW, that's something my best friend, Kim, said while looking at old cheerleading pictures...she gets ribbed about saying this to this day! Hilarious!)

5. Last but certainly not least...MY KIDDOS and My HUBBY - I just can't even tell you how supportive my family has been (well, maybe not Blaze except he does now understand that we can't see Alvin and the Chipmunks every single day because mommy doesn't have a job and we don't have as much money) over the last few months. I know I talk an awful lot about not having a job but it has been a really rough few months...I think the ups and downs of it all is the hardest part. I think I have a job and then it falls through and this has happened four times now...and, it goes on for weeks at a time. Anyway, boo hoo hoo for Kenda - my point is this: Thank the good Lord for family and friends who really care. These guys below really do and I couldn't ask for anything more. Love you Hays, Kel and Blazer!

Okay Cyber Sisters (Jen, Stacy, Averi, Kristin, Kim, Britta, Kendra, Kerry, Jess, Kara, Jamie and Ally)...your turn. Post girls, post! And while you are at it, can someone please pick the topic for next week?


Kim said...

Gooood ones, esp the last! I'm having some kind of tennis wrist action...hurt carrying trays at work yesterday and serving the other night...dammit we're old! Good ones and love the pictures!!!

Jennifer Adling said...

These are great. I LOVE Friday Night Lights. I am sad, last week may have been the last one.

Have a great weekend...I will try to blog soon!

Kendra said...

these are great... mine isn't as great as this!!