Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Finished Product

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When we moved into our new home, I decided I didn't want to over-do Kellyn's room with bright colors but after a few months, Kellyn had decided her room was way too boring. Since I spent an arm and a leg on her PB Kids duvet, I told her we could just add some "funk" to her room. Yes, I painted the polka dots, I put up the sheers and I even made the boa balls that are hanging from the ceiling. She loves it! I didn't waste this last Sunday...I spent the whole day painting dots. I think it turned out pretty good.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Baby Max

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Most of you have already seen these pictures of Kim's new baby, Max but for those of you who haven't seen them...these are some of my favorite from the group of pictures Kim sent me. Baby and mommy are doing great!!

Our Soccer Player

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Kristin, don't freak! I am purchasing these pictures and once I receive them, I promise, I will scan them and re-post but I just had to post about Kellyn as I haven't posted about her in a while. I am so proud of her...she is having a really good soccer year. When we first moved here, she played on a team that was just plain horrible. We thought everyone had finally caught up to Kellyn's abilities (as she used to score many goals every game!) because she didn't play all that great last spring. I guess it's true what they say "you play better when you play with better players" because last fall she got on Tiffeni's daughter's team who had played together for years. She did so well...we love her coach and love the girls on her team. Kel played great and scored lots of goals throughout the season. They only lost three games. She started playing on a boys indoor soccer league last fall and it was so good for her. She rarely scored but it helped her get really tough. So, her outdoor girl's team decided to get up a team for indoor soccer and it's been the best thing for all of them. The boys team also asked her to play again so she is playing indoor for two different teams. She is very goal-driven and we have really had to work with her on her passing because she is quite the ball-hog. (wonder where she got that?) Today Toya and Doug came to watch her play because she was playing on both teams. She scored six or seven the first game and six the second game. Her teams played two really weak teams but I am still very proud of her. She is playing her position well and she is very competitive. We love to watch her play. I think we are going to enroll her in every camp we can find this summer...Kellyn truly has good potential. I can't wait to watch her play for years to come.

Top 5 Movies

Hays says I don't even deserve to post this week's topic because I never stay awake to watch an entire movie. There is a little bit of truth to this so all of my favorite movies are all pretty dated...but, those are usually the best kind!

No certain order as I really don't have a favorite movie of all time...

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1. "You can't handle the truth!" I love this movie because this was before Tom Cruise got all weird and he was my favorite. He is such a good actor, a really good actor. I also love Jack Nicholson a lot and he was amazing in this movie.

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2. The tango scene was the best...I love Pacino! I think I am going to go rent this movie tonight.

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3. I was going to just put "any Denzel movie" as he is my all-time favorite actor but I didn't want to generalize so I picked this movie because the scene when he makes his admission to Meg Ryan's family brings me to tears every time. He is the best actor ever. I wasn't too wild of Meg Ryan's accent in this movie but oh well, they all can't be perfect.

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4. I like Meg Ryan but she isn't the reason I chose number 3 or 4. She is awesome in this movie but Andy Garcia...mama mia!! This is the greatest Chick Flick tear jerker of all time, in my opinion!!

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5. "Nobody puts Baby in the corner!" I could watch this movie over and over again. Could be my favorite of all time. It's so old school but so yummy!!


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Great movie, so sad when Tristan is sitting by the headstone of his brother. Love it and love him!!

My New Obsession

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Most of you know me pretty well and know when I am doing something new, I am usually diving in head first.(i.e. blogging!) So, I have several friends here in Amarillo who play tennis a lot so I thought it would be fun to start playing...plus, I knew it would be a great way to get in shape as I won't take my lazy butt to the gym. I took two lessons last week and I loved it!! My coach says I am doing great and I am probably even good enough to play in a starter's league. A league? That's crazy...I don't even know the rules of the game. I think it will be fun and I truly am consumed so after 60mph winds today, I am really ready for spring so I can start playing a lot. I will keep you posted so you can come and watch my match with Venus or Serena! LOL

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ava has a new brother!!

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Baby Max was born last night at 6:38pm. He weighed in at a whoppin' 8lbs 15 3/4 lbs (why don't we just say 9lbs!) and he is 20 1/2 inches long. Kim did great and had a very easy labor. I will post pictures as soon as I get them!! Welcome to this crazy world, Max Gerlich!!

A New Blazerism

So, I was staring at him last night while we were lying in bed and I asked him, "Who do you look like?" because like I said in my previous post, I sometimes see me and I sometimes see Hays. He usually replies with, "Uh, Daddy!" but this time he said, "Dora!" HILARIOUS. First of all son, you don't look anything like a girl, you aren't quite the right color and I am pretty sure your haircut looks a little better than hers. (Lindsay, I thought you might find this pretty funny since both of our children are obsessed with the spanish speaking little ugly girl!! Just kidding!)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Does He Look Like Me?

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Yes, he is definitely cuter than me but I think we look alike. What do you think? Hays thinks Blaze looks so much like him but he even pointed out the similarities in this old picture. Maybe I will post a picture of Hays at this age and we can really decide who Blaze looks like. Stay tuned!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday Lazy Sunday

We didn't have any plans this weekend so I thought it was going to be a great opportunity for me to get some stuff done around this house...not so! I was such a bum. I straightened the house a little and did a load or two of laundry but I was pretty much worthless all weekend. My closet needs serious help but I guess it will be one of my grab-a-glass-of-wine-and-get-busy weeknight chores. I am so much more productive after I have worked all day. I did watch a pretty good movie earlier today...The Last Kiss. It's kind of depressing though because these guys are turning 30 (they all look 35+) and they are going through a crisis of some sort. Reminded me of how trivial we can all be at times.

Poor Kellyn had the stomach bug all day yesterday and was very weak today. I cannot get my children well. One of them is sick at least once a week with asthma, stomach bugs or upper respiratory crap. I finally bought them some vitamins today and I am going to be adamant about their eating habits from now on. I am so ready for the spring.

I can't quit thinking about Elizabeth Bednarz and her family. She needs our prayers.

Lord Jesus Christ, You chose to share our human nature, to redeem all people, and to heal the sick. With this in mind I beg You to look with compassion on Your humble servant Elizabeth, support her with Your power, comfort her with Your protection, and give her the strength needed to fight against evil. Since You have given Elizabeth, a share in Your own passion, help her to find hope in suffering for You, Jesus.

Jennifer A. and I were emailing tonight about how fast time flies. We are all so ready for Friday, we spend our time wishing our lives away. I guess I am being a little melodramatic but I think I should look for the good in everyday, whether it be Monday or Friday. Have a good week all!!

Sniff Sniff

It was my week to choose the topic so I chose top 5 pictures...any theme. I thought I would change gears from my last post and show you guys my top 5 pictures that bring a tear to my eye.

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This is my dear sweet maternal grandmother, Reba Jones. We called her Mamma and this is my favorite picture of her. She died of Alzheimer's in '98 and I miss her so much. I have never met anyone who loved their family so much. I have many very fond memories of her. Miss you, Mamma.

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This was the day I gave birth to Blaze and this particular picture brings a tear to my eye because we weren't able to get any pictures of his birth or right after his birth because they whisked him away to NICU before we could take any pictures. He spent eight long days in NICU. I wonder how I did that...makes me so sad to think I couldn't hold my newborn son for the first five days of his life. I guess we handle what God gives us and He sees us through it all. You can't see Kellyn's shirt in this picture but it read, "I'm the Big Sister." We all anticipated this day so much and it makes me sad that the only pictures I have of Blaze's birth are these pictures without him in it. Thank God he is a healthy ball of fire today.

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I am sure most of you know my eighteen year-old niece, Kristin, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma when she was nine. This is picture of her doing the Macarena. As sick as that little girl got, she never quit living. That hat was such a significant part of the two years she was sick. I rarely saw her without it on. She was and still is an amazing girl!

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This is a picture of Hays taking Kellyn to the nursery right after she was born. Notice Toya in the background looking so proud of her son. It was such a neat and emotional time in our lives...I can't believe it's been 8 1/2 years since this picture was taken. Time flies!

Top 5 Funny Family Pictures

The topic this week is 5 favorite pictures with any theme. I think I might post a few different themes but my first is five of our very hilarious family pictures. Enjoy!

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My dad said I looked like a mongoloid or for lack of better terms, a child with Down's, when I was little. I think I was cute but I kind of understand him now as I had some funky features. Kari and I looked nothing alike then and we still don't to this day. I think this was taken in '73.
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Man, I knew we were poor but geez, look at those dresses and even worse, look at those haircuts my mom personally gave us. OUCH! Cute little Lance...who would have known he would gave grown up to be such a punk?
Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.com Now, if this doesn't bring tears to your eyes from laughter, I don't know what will! This picture is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life...my mom and dad's hair is freakin' hilarious. Oh, they are so going to kill me for posting this. My dad's suit is stylin'!! And there are our Haircuts by Marilyn again. We call this The Adam's Family picture. nuhnuhnuhna...snap snap

Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.com Kari and I were certainly sportin' the Farrah cuts. Look how mine is sticking out straight to the side. I am pretty sure this isn't a Haircut by Marilyn! Check out Lance's smile...I guarantee you he was already gettin' into some trouble by this age. I think this was in '83ish.

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Wowzer...check out this wedding shot! Kristin, I bet you would have loved to have been the photographer at this one. I wish I had a shot of the entire wedding party to post. Kari's colors were pastel rainbow. I had light blue and then there was pale yellow, light pink, light green, lavender. I remember it being so beautiful at that time but geez, that was over 20 years ago. Our hats are just to die for!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Too Cute

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Had to snap some pictures of Blazey in this oh so cute doo rag. The pink one isn't really a doo rag, in fact he looks like a vato but I think it's adorable either way. What a little mess!

Not so young anymore...

Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.com She is growing up so fast! I can't believe we are on the downhill side of her second grade year. TAKS testing next year...YUCK! She still acts like a little girl but there are times when she seems a little older than she is. That's what I thought of when I saw these pictures...she makes me think of what she'll look like when she is a teenager watching tv in her room. I don't want to think about that time right now but it will be here before I know it so I need to enjoy her "sillyness" while she still gives me the time of day.

Oh No He Didn't!!

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Here is my first attempt at "scrapbooking" my blog entries. I have been home quite a bit lately due to a cold and nasty weather so I have had some time on my hands to play around with my blog. I like it...it's fun. It's now my hobby. (Don't forget you can click on the image to see it better...Kristin, I need help with making my pictures bigger.)

My parents were here this past weekend and Kellyn and Karsyn (Tiffeni's daughter) had some fun with Grandad. I can't believe he sat there and let them dress him up. Mom said he looked like a drag queen...I said he looked more like a cross dressing wanna be! Kellyn really wanted to paint his nails but he said absolutely no to that. He is such a trooper. Dad would have never done this when I was younger. He has gotten so soft with age. I had to take a picture of his ear in the third picture because Kellyn put a butterfly on his ear. Also, he didn't get into a fight or have a bad fall...it's blue eyeshadow. Hilarious!!

To Blog or Not to Blog

Of course I am going to continue to blog but now I am considering daily blogging. After all, these blogsare archived and they are just as much for me as they are for everyone else. I have been reading lots of random blogs just for the heck of it and there are so many people that blog without pictures. I think I have gotten in the habit of only blogging when I have pictures to post. Pictures are great, too but they aren't necessary, I guess. So I think I am going to try to post as often as possible...sort of like keeping a journal. It will be fun to go back and read it all years from now. And, since I don't scrapbook anymore and my kids are growing up so fast, this blog will be sort of like my scrapbooking pages, too. I may just post a journal, I may get crazy and post some scrapbook-like entries but nonetheless this will help keep the memories alive. Fellow bloggers, please do not feel like you have to comment on everyone of my entries (Seriously!) unless you feel compelled.

So here I go...

Hays and I went out for Valentine's last night. We went to Sakura for sushi and martinis and then off to the movies to see Smokin' Aces. It was a good movie but there was so much to keep up with...I really didn't get it all figured out until I could talk my way through it all after it was over. Hays can't believe movies like that go right over my head...he laughs pretty hard at me. When we got home, Kellyn was sound asleep but Blaze was wide awake as usual. That kid is such a night owl like his father. He didn't go to sleep until midnight the last two nights in a row. We have got to put a stop to this...he sleeps with me every single night but he did sleep in his own bed last night. Hopefully he will continue to do so!

I am so tired of the snow...there is another three inches of snow on the ground. It's bitterly cold and my poor husband has to work out in the single digit temps. I don't know how he does it. He rarely gripes about it ~ I would be the biggest whiner. My business is so slow during bad weather. Patients usually cancel their procedures because they don't want to drive in the crap. Spring could not come too soon!

Speaking of spring, I am going to start an exercise regimen Monday. Three days of running and three days of Yoga. I can't give up good food, I just can't so I will start working out and just watching how much I eat rather than what I eat. I went to the mall yesterday and there are cute spring and summer clothes everywhere so it got me in the mood to get in shape. I don't know why I have to wait until Monday...why do we wait until Mondays when starting a new diet or exercise program? I guess we figure it's too hard to start so close to a weekend. Poor excuse.

Before I forget, I have to blog about something really funny. Toya always encourages me to write this stuff down but I never do. Blaze came into the kitchen two nights ago and said, "Momma, my mouth is chopped." I was like, "What? Your mouth is what?" He started rubbing his lips and said, "It's chopped." His lips were chapped. So funny.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Morning Surprise

Awwwwwww...Hays is so sweet! He surprised me this morning with a bag full of goodies. I wasn't expecting anything. Hays gets so worked up about getting me the right thing and I kept telling him not to worry about it because its JUST Valentine's Day. I told him we could just go out to dinner and to a movie and that would be it. Well, he went far beyond that and he put so much thought into each thing he got me...check out my goodies below.

Hays knows I love Coach and he knew I couldn't find any of my watches...isn't it beautiful?
He got me this blanket because of course I am a huge Raider fan but also because I never have a blanket to sit on during Kellyn's soccer games. (He really thought that one out!!)
Okay, you guys are probably like, "What the ??" but this set is awesome...I have been complaining of my hip and also several other aches and pains (it all goes downhill after 35, by the way) so he bought me this set of hot and cold packs and they smell like mint, which is also my favorite aromatherapy scent. How sweet is he!! (He did say he got this set for him to use, too...see, he's always thinking!)
This candle is called "Splendor in the Bath." He knows how much I love my bathtub!! He was very thoughtful and very romantic this Valentine's Day...I am so impressed. Best V-day gift yet.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hope You Saw It

If you didn't get a chance to see The Grammy's last night, you missed it. I was so impressed...I never watch that kind of stuff, ever but last night I sat down and watched the entire show. The Police rocked, John Mayer, John Legend and that girl were incredible, The Dixie Chicks are always good perfomers and wow! did they rack up! Chris Brown's performance was something else...It was all good. I am so downloading the following albums today: Dixie Chicks, John Legend, Mary J. Blige and J.T. I could have done without Justin's handheld video camera close up (he looked weird) but he is just so, so good. Carrie Underwood and Rascall Flatt's Eagle's tribute was also very, very entertaining. Seriously, it was a great show and I would have included the links to the performances for you but they aren't up on YouTube yet. If you saw it, what did you think?

Friday, February 09, 2007

Top 5 Songs

Okay, so our topic this week is our Top 5 Songs and I have no idea what my favorite songs are in the whole wide world because I love music so much. I could never choose but I do like the spin Jenn put on this by allowing us to list songs that help us remember a special time. Very creative topic, Jennifer...thanks!!

These are definitely in no particular order:

1. I Want Your Sex by George Michael - Kim and I used to sing this song over and over again in my camaro. I remember listening to this song on several occasions but there are two that stick out in my head that help me think of my fun senior year!! She and I listened to this song with my two male exchange students that lived with us for two weeks. They were both from France so they tried to teach us how to say this in French. I think I still remember how. I also remember hearing this song (and Sinead O'Connor's Nothing Compares 2 U which is also a really good song) on our way back from the movies on my birthday...we were two days from graduation and I just remember the feeling I had! We were so excited yet nervous.

Go here to watch!

2. Take Me Home by Phil Collins - This song brings back memories from my freshman year hanging out at my first bonfire out in the country with Seniors...yes, Seniors. This song continues to bring back really good, warm memories from that time in my life!! Long time ago but I still get the same feeling and can almost smell the bonfire smoke everytime I hear this song. I still remember the goofy outfit I was wearing!! LOL

Click this link to hear!

3. Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler - This was the song my daddy and I danced to at my wedding. I requested the country version by Garry Morris but the DJs only had this version and I was so upset; especially since I gave them my list weeks before the wedding. (years before iTunes!) But now, I would rather hear this version since it's the one we danced to.

Click here to watch and hear!

My favorite words from the song that are so perfect to describe how I feel about my father...

It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it.
I would be nothing without you.

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
for you are the wind beneath my wings.

Funny story...as soon as the song was over, I looked up at my dad and instead of saying, "I love you!" or "Thank you!" I asked, "Do you have $250 to pay the caterer?" Sure would have been nice for me to ask him this days before, don't you think? Ironicially, this picture of us was snapped at the exact moment I was asking him for money!! I wish I could say I was grabbing his face saying, "You'll never know how much you mean to me!" and he was fighting back tears but he was actually laughing pretty hard at how I approached this. What father could say "no" right after the father-daughter dance? Great picture, nonetheless!!

4. Tootsie Roll by 69 Boyz - So, I have to put a really funny song in here after I put that last emotional one in there!! How great is this song to dance to! We still dance to this song whenever we get the chance. I remember hanging out at Cowpokes just waiting for this song to come on. Kerry, did we fight to get to the dance floor, too? Cowpokes was fun, fun times and I wish like hell I could go back one more time. Wanna do some dancin' on your own to my favorite all-time dance club song? Click HERE!

5. Yellow by Coldplay - Great song! This song reminds me of Whitney and Kim at a Jazz reunion. It was the first day and we were in Kim's car loading up on goodies at the beer store. This song came on and Kim played it as loud as it would go and Whitney grabbed my hand and smiled. It was just a great feeling because we look forward to our reunions every single year and we were so happy to be there! That day won't soon be forgotten and I think of those girls every time I hear this song...not to mention the fact that Coldplay is awesome!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Happy Happy Birthday Grammie!

I love you sooooo much and I hope your birthday was a good one. Let's just start planning a girl's trip for you, me and Averi this time next year so you will take it a little easier. Whatcha think? I am itching for a girl's trip!!

Favorite Quotes

So, the topic of this week is post your top 5 favorite quotes so these are some of the ones I have found over the years.

1. Live with Passion
Tonya White gave me a plaque that reads this and I absolutely love it. We aren't here long...we might as well live with enthusiasm, devotion and fervor.

2. Dance like no one is Watching, Love like you've never been Hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And Live like it's Your Last Day on Earth
It would be so awesome to get out of bed every morning and remember this quote each and everyday. We aren't old yet but the last 20 years of my life have gone so fast so it's high time I start enjoying every moment I have left on this earth. I also like this because my dorky self is always dancing like a fool around the house and I sing as loud as I can in the house so I guess I have two more of these to really work on.

3. I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure--which is: Try to please everybody by Herbert Bayard Swope
This is perfect for me. Hays has been trying to tell me for years that not everyone on this earth is going to like me and I just couldn't understand that but now that I am a few years wiser, I completely get it. I will never, ever please everyone and I have got to learn to be okay with this. Do what I can, the best I can and that's all I can ask of myself.

4. When one door closes another opens. But often we look so long so regretfully upon the closed door that we fail to see the one that has opened for us. by Helen Keller
We have all heard the first part of this but I think the second sentence of the quote makes so much sense. Don't dwell on the unchangeable, go forward and find an open door...a bigger, badder door.

5. Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival. by C. S. Lewis
So incredibly true...I could continue to live without each one of you in my life but it would certainly make my life less fulfilling!! I love and miss each one of you!!!

And of course...
"You can try to poison the plaque, irradiate it or push it aside with stents, but it still remains inside the vessel. For decades, we've had to settle for treating the symptoms plaque creates, but now we have the opportunity to both treat the symptoms and address the problem."
John B. Simpson, PhD., M.D.
Foxhollow Founder and Chairman of the Board

Weekly Topic - Favorite Wintertime Recipe

So, the topic for last week was favorite wintertime recipe. I am running behind this week so I better post quickly before I get into some trouble by my blogging friends!!

Easy Potato Soup
1 package frozen hashbrowns (they now have great hashbrowns that aren't frozen in the biscuit section)
4 cups chicken broth
1 pkg. Seasoning Blend (mixed bell peppers, onions, and celery)
Garlic to taste
1 cup sour cream
1/4 cup bacon bits (real bacon bits are best)
1 cup cheddar cheese
1 can cream of whatever strikes your fancy soup

Cook hashbrowns and seasoning blend in chicken broth.
Add remaining ingredients and simmer 15 minutes.
You could add a little shredded cheddar cheese and sliced green onions to the top of this if you like.

I am not a great cook and I don't cook often but the easier, the better!!