Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Adorable Little Guinea Pig

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I got a new lens so while Kellyn and Hays were practicing soccer last night I took my cute little subject out into the front yard to play around with my new toy. I am so happy with how this turned out. Let me know what you think!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Favorite Places in Vegas!

I love this topic because I absolutely LOVE Vegas!!
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Favorite Bar - Harrah's Carnival Court Bar - oh my gosh, we spent hours and hours at this bar the last time we were in Vegas. I think the bartenders and the bands knew us by name. We were there three days in a row. We would say, "Let's not hang out there again tonight!" And then we would be walking by and then go, "oh okay, just one drink!" and then we would proceed to close the bar down, again!! It's so fun because the bartenders use flair techniques and the cover bands are awesome. Great, fun place and it would be so fun this time of year because it isn't so hot!!
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Favorite Restaurant - Nobu - The sushi at Nobu at the Hard Rock is incredible!! Seriously, it's the best food I have ever had. Great place to spot celebrities, too!!
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Favorite Spa - Rock Spa in Hard Rock. What a great place to relax!! Great service and awesome whirlpool area! I went here and spent an entire morning with MaryBeth Murphy...we had some good conversations in that great whirlpool. One of my favorite relaxing memories of Vegas because there aren't usually any of those. LOL
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Favorite Drinks - Eiffel Tower Restaurant - the Cosmos were awesome here and so was the lunch but the view made the drinks even that much better!! If you have time to go have a drink up here, do it!! I have only been up there during the day and our ticket was outrageous but it was sooooo worth it. The view of the strip and the awesome Bellagio fountains coupled with the great martini was quite an experience!
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Favorite Touristy Restaurant/Favorite Burger/Favorite Margarita - Okay, I know it's way cheesy but Jimmy Buffett's bar is fun times. Great food and great music. Why not go have a margarita in Margaritaville?

Top 5 Websites

I am so behing in my weekly posts...two weeks ago we were supposed to list our top 5 websites so here goes:

1. www.ilovephotography.com - Kristin B. told me about this site and it's so cool. People post their pictures and the more experienced photographers critique the pics. It's a great way to learn how NOT to do things and it gives great ideas.

2. www.msn.com - yes, it's my homepage and shouldn't count but it keeps me updated on the news and weather

3. www.absdiet.com - this is a great website for tracking your diet and exercise progress. This site gives daily menus and daily exercise routines. Now, if I could just stick to it!!

4. www.ebay.com - should I say more?

5. www.tmz.com - guilty pleasure...Entertainment gossip!!

Before I die...

I want to do these 5 things:

It may sound superficial but I want to get on a diet and exercise program and make it a way of life...forever! I am so tired of eating bad food and being a couch potato. I want a flat stomach and I want to feel good about myself but more than all of that, I want to be healthy...for life!

I want to get my Masters degree in Marketing from Texas Tech University!

I want to travel up the East Coast from Florida all the way to Maine during the fall so I can see the leaves changing...Of course, I want to start out in Miami to see the palm trees, too!

I want to see both of my kids graduate from Texas Tech University. (ok, wherever they choose but I really hope it's Tech)

This may just be a phase right now but even so, I would like to get really good in Photography. I wouldn't mind starting my own (very part-time) business. My inspiration is our fellow-poster, Kristin Bednarz. If you haven't already, check out her stuff...it's amazing! www.kristinbednarz.com
(I found this picture on Google images...you know you are somebody when you have a picture of yourself in Google! hee hee!)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Anniversary!!

Happy 40th Anniversary to the greatest Mom and Dad in the whole wide world. I miss and love you guys so much. I am so glad you guys are still together after all of these years
Love you!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New, Fun and Free

Completely addicted to this new program...it's called Picasa and not only does it organize all of your pictures very nicely but it also has a very easy imaging tool. Then, the cool part...you can send your pictures directly to be blogged!! Very cool!! You can find the free download on the homepage of Blogger.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy Belated Birthday Kendra!

Okay, I am requesting we all post our birthdays ASAP! I have missed several birthdays lately and it's not because I don't care...it's because I don't know!! Happy Birthday this past Saturday, Kendra. Hope it was a fun one!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Jen!!

I really wished you would quit having birthdays because then I wouldn't have to have one!! Heee heeee! Happy 36th Miss Jennifer! I hope you have a great day. I miss you tons and can't wait until the girl's trip this summer so we can make more great memories. Love you, girl.

Happy Belated Bday Stacy!!

Sorry I missed your birthday, Stacy! Hope it was a fun one and I hope you got a lot of really super gifts. I miss you!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I won my first ever tennis match this morning!! Yipppppeeeee! There were 12 of us beginners playing and we drew names to see whom would play with whom in doubles. I drew a girl named Jana and we totally kicked butt. We won both sets 6 - 1!! I am so excited because this girl and I played so well together and I really like her. She has two daughters about Kellyn's age. We are going to start playing together as much as possible and we are going to play in a beginner's league starting in April. She has a great backhand, which I was so excited about because I really need some work there. I returned the serves really well (but the serves weren't coming all that fast though) and did okay on my serves. I have found a new sport that I truly like...I am too competitive though. I got pretty mad a few times. What fun! (P.S. This is a picture of my new racquet!)

Monday, March 05, 2007

It Happened Again!

Last night about seven o' clock I checked my email to find a resignation from Blaze's babysitter. I was devastated as this will be six babysitters in a little over a year for Blazey. Please keep us in your prayers that we find a good, safe place for him to spend the next two years. Since his birthday falls in October, he won't go to kindergarten until fall of '09. Since four of the five babysitters have been individuals, I have decided we will look for a good daycare as I feel I can no longer depend on an individual. They either quit because they have decided to take another job, they move or they or their kids get sick. It's been tough and I know Blaze will be happy and will flourish wherever he goes but it really sucks right now. Wish us luck!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

My Favorite Things (at this moment)

Since the topic this week was "your five favorite things" I took the liberty to post objects that I currently can't live without. Kind of like Oprah does on her show once a year. I am sure these items will change over the weeks and months but for the time being, these are my six favorite things.

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The only reason I don't want spring to come is because I won't be able to wear my comfy yummy Uggs anymore. Papa Bill and Dana gave these to me for Christmas and I absolutely love them. Do yourself a favor, get some of these great boots before next fall.
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It's official! I have serious crow's feet from years of tanning. I just can't do it anymore because I am going to look 50 when I am 40 if I don't watch it but I also can't stand to be all white and pastey looking. I found this moisturizer at Target and I absolutely love it. I don't have that orangey-look and it's Oil of Olay. So cheap and it works. Love, love, love it!
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These makeup remover wipes from Mac are the bomb! No more stained washcloths...these puppies work! I only have to use one (sometimes two depending on whether I took my makeup off the night before) and these wipes have a little bit of moisturizer in them so they feel great, too. They are fairly expensive for a makeup remover product but they are so well worth it!!
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I have never been a wine fan until I found this cheap bottle of wine!! It's called Llano Sweet Red and I absolutely love sipping on a glass with one ice cube. If you are a serious red wine connoisseur, you probably won't like this because it is very sweet. Hence the name!!
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These Seven jeans rock!! I finally found a pair that don't fit so tight they are uncomfortable or too loose I have to wear a belt. I wear them all the time. By the way, I want to look like this by summertime!! (Wishful thinking!)
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Just got these shades and I am in love!! They fit my funky oval-shaped face fairly well and they are so fun. This is my big splurge for spring.

More Pics of Kel's Room

For some reason my other post didn't show the pictures of Kellyn's room so I decided to try to post them again. I am debating whether to add the big polka dots to each wall. What do ya'll think?