Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Well, first off, I am back! I got so engulfed in my photography blogging, I totally quit blogging about my personal life so...I promise to make a concerted effort to post more. After all, my kids are growing up before my eyes and I don't even take enough pictures of them anymore.

For you guys who have been following my drama over the last several months, I FINALLY got a job. Yippppeeee!! I even managed to have yet another heartbreaker over the last couple of weeks with a dream job that fell through once again at the last minute - I can't even count the number of jobs over the last nine months where I made it to the final two but just missed the mark. Crazy enough, I had two offers on the table this past Thursday and I just made up my mind this past weekend. It was tough choosing because both jobs were insanely different but after discussing with Hays, we felt like Conceptus is the better fit for our family. For you young ladies who are absolutely sure your family is complete, go check out the site - it might be something that interests you. I know I will be one of the first women in Lubbock taking advantage of this technology. I will start this next Monday the 14th or I will wait until the first Monday in August...not exactly sure which one yet but will know more later today. I will be training in Dallas a week or two and then will train in Mountain View, CA for two weeks in August. Mountain View is just 6 miles from Palo Alto where FoxHollow headquartered. I love that area. There are other similarities between the FoxHollow position and this new position with Conceptus. Well, the devices couldn't be more different and the physicians are completely on very different ends of the spectrum and the anatomies I will be focusing on are as different as you can get but the companies are similar which is what ultimately helped me make up my mind in the end. Both companies are very small, which is such an added bonus in my opinion. This enables companies of this size to have their own defined culture, which is also so very important to me. I rode with two different reps in Dallas and they both were so funny and so charasmatic, which is exactly why I loved my colleagues at FoxHollow. Apparently, these are the types of people Conceptus hires...look at me! ha ha! Just kidding, but in all seriousness, I want to LOVE my job! I want to LOVE the people I work with and I want to LOVE my manager. Each and every single individual I spoke with loves my manager. BONUS!!! Right now at this moment I think I would love to get back into the cath lab someday but who knows? Maybe I will absolutely love Conceptus and stay with them for years and years to come or maybe I will love working in Women's Health as much as I loved Cardiology. And now look, not only will I be able to give you advice on your heart but I will soon be able to give you advice on how NOT to have babies!

The kids, Toya, Hays and I just returned home from Austin this past weekend...we had a great time and I did manage to take some photos. Stay tuned and I will post more later on today!


Kara said...

That's wonderful about the job. We missed you guys on the 4th. Hope you had great weekend.

Jennifer Adling said...

Congrats on the job. I am so happy for you!

I promise Kellyn is the sweetest girl ever. She hugged us before they left on Sunday morning! Love her!