Sunday, November 26, 2006

Turkey Day 2006

Kellyn and Blaze clownin' around on the couch at Grammie's. I wasn't very good at taking pictures this year. Maybe it was because it didn't quite feel like Thanksgiving since Hays wasn't there or maybe it was because I was just lazy from the tryptophan. Whatever the reason I am regretting it now as Thanksgiving is always one of my favorite holidays!

I just had to take this picture! My favorite food at the annual feast is giblet gravy. Well, there aren't too many people who really LOVE this stuff as much as me...especially not Grammie. She buys her gravy every year because she refuses to make it. It doesn't stop there, every year and I mean every single year, Toya forgets to warm up the gravy. We usually end up waiting on the gravy or it may even have a lump of ice floating around in it. I told her I was taking a picture of the gravy and I was going to write about it in my blog. I love you, Toya and thank you very much for the awesome dinner.

It was important I take a picture of the beautiful set up at Toya's house. After that last "dig" I thought I should "blog" about how hard she works on not only the Thanksgiving feast but also the presentation.

The kids tried to pull the wishbone but it was too wet. I think I was asleep when it finally dried up enough to pull so I have to inform you I have no idea who got the wish. Sorry!!

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