Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Candidate Game

I have vowed to be more open-minded during the upcoming election...I have also vowed to myself to really know and understand the platforms this time around. I pretty much can flat out tell ya, I am a republican but sometimes, I can't tell you my humble opinion, that's just pretty much wrong. So, I found this great quiz that allows you to compare your own views with the positions staked out by all of the US presidential candidates and then tells you which candidates match up with you the best. Here were my results, starting with the candidates who got positive scores:

Giuliani 28
Biden 26
Dodd 25
Clinton 25
Edwards 21
Obama 18
McCain 16
Romney 13
Richardson 9
Cox 6
Kucinich 5
Huckabee 4
Thompson 2
Brownback 1

And the candidates who scored no positive points with me were:
Hunter 0
Tancredo -4
Gravel -8
Paul -20

I still have so much to learn and now that I am a grown-up, it's probably time I get involved and understand all of these platforms and positions. But, I am very, very surprised Hilary Clinton is up so high on my list...thank goodness Giuliani scored higher than her, because I can promise you I won't vote for another Clinton to be in the White House. This quiz is really easy and quick to take...interesting, too as I was already leaning towards Giuliani. Close your eyes now if you have a weak stomach OR if you are easily offended by Hilary Rodham Clinton jokes!!! (Sorry Danny and Lynn...I still love ya'll!)

1 comment:

Kim said...

I too need to spend more time on this, I did the quiz really fast and here were my top three..
Guess that answers kind which way I lean huh....but I'll take again when I have time....
I really wish Edwards would run I think he's great for our environment. Have you seen his documentary? An Inconvenient Truth... Very very moving...
And the cool thing is he's always been about the environment, from way back in his college years, so he's not just jumping on the bandwagon..
I like him the most and would probably vote for him....
okay, so that's my quick 2cents,ha