Saturday, September 08, 2007

You Don't Have to be a Democrat...

I have been paying pretty close attention to this whole global warming thing and let me tell ya, it's not looking good folks. You don't have to be a democrat or better yet, an Al Gore supporter to acknowlege what's going on around us. I couldn't sleep this morning so I am just surfing and found this amazing slideshow which shows beautiful pictures of Greenland. It also examines all of the melting that is going on...thought I would share. I don't really know how to get "green" but I am sure going to try my hardest to start making a concerted effort to do so.

1 comment:

Britta said...

I hear A LOT about global climate change, too, being in the science community. It is real. I have heard several world-renowned speakers talk about what's going on and they have shown some pretty amazingly scary pictures,like the Greenland one. Even the top scientist organization (can't remember the name) has said that without a doubt humans are contributing to global climate change. That right there is amazing to have a group of scientists comitt to something "without a doubt."