Monday, March 17, 2008


Hey Guys ~


I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would update you on my crazy life. We close on our Amarillo home Friday, March, that's only 11 days away. So, that means we have less than 10 days to get packed up and moved out of here. Thank God for family is all I have to say right about now - My mom and dad came up on Friday and then my sister and her two daughters came up on Saturday. We spent the entire weekend packing and cleaning and doing laundry. It was crazy! I have no idea how we could have done it without their weird as it sounds, we actually had fun. We ate a bunch, drank a little and watched Blaze perform every single song off of the Chipmunks album. I swear to get this on YouTube as soon as's the funniest thing I have ever seen, and yes, I would still think that if he weren't my son. So back to the house thing...everything is pretty much packed up except for the necessities. The closets will take me a few days for sure but other than that, THANKS TO MY WONDERFUL FAMILY. This picture below is the only stinkin' picture I took from the entire wkend...UGH! Check out this Michael Jordan doll we pulled out of Blaze's massive amount of toys. Notice the missing foot and the other foot! Think I could sell it on Ebay??

I am headed to Lubbock this morning...I am house hunting and job hunting all in one day. My list of about 20+ homes will hopefully be narrowed down to about two or three this afternoon. And then at 2pm, I have my second interview with EV3, which is the company that acquired my old company, FoxHollow. Please say a prayer for me this afternoon if you get a chance...I really, really want this job. I miss what I was doing so much and this opportunity would allow me to do just that again plus some. I will hopefully know more this afternoon sometime and update you. Crossin' my fingers and saying lots of prayers.

Happy St Patrick's Day and Happy Spring Break Week also! Hoping to get some pictures of chubby little Brynlee over the next few days so check back towards the end of the week for those.

Until next time...


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Kerry Kern said...

Hope to see you soon, something will come along soon. Hang in!!!