Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas Party and Cookie Night

I am so behind on my posting so I combined some of the Christmas stuff into one. I am going to try to get away from the slideshows whenever possible but this post was slideshow worthy...not too interesting to some of you and probably most of you but I still want to document it for myself.

The first set of slides is Kellyn's Christmas party and the second set is cookie decorating night. I am so not suzie-homemaker so this is a big deal for me to get together. The kids had a lot of fun and made some beautiful cookies! : )


Kerry Kern said...

Everything makes me want to cry on everyones blog, I think its because I am getting so old and my kids are growing up too fast!!(yours too) Love the pictures, and your house is beautiful(and so are the kiddos)

Britta said...

Blaze gives new meaning to "Naked Chef."