Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was magical! The kids were so happy when they saw everything Santa brought them. Santa did go a little crazy...He says every year he is going to scale down but it never happens. I think Santa and Ms. Clause are going to be eating cans of beans for awhile but Blaze and Kellyn will surely stay busy. In all seriousness, Christmas morning was fun and everyone got a lot of really great gifts. As I already blogged about, I received a really great Canon Rebel Digital Camera but I got a lot of other really neat things. Averi got me a great make-your-own-coaster-set and some really cute pjs. Toya got me some very comfortable and oh so cute Tech sweats plus a lot of other neat stuff...I swear, Averi and Toya so know how to shop for me. I have the greatest in-laws in the world. (Are you reading this, Averi?) As you can see in the pictures, Kellyn and Blaze received almost all of Toys R Us so I won't bore you with the list but just rest assured, they were spoiled as usual. I love Christmas morning at Grammie and Dougie's but I am always so bummed when it's all over.


Averi said...

I think you have the best sister-in-law ever!!!!!

Kim said...

looks like lots of fun!!!