Friday, December 29, 2006

Stay Alert!


Watch your debit and credit cards like a hawk!! Don't even let a waiter or counterperson leave your sight with your card. I just happened to check the activity on my account today and we had over $1200 worth of fraudulent charges...all to Mexico. We both still have our debit cards in possession so the only way this could have happened was by an employee writing down Hays' debit card number with the code on the back. I am so bummed. We will get every cent back but until then, $1200 bucks is a lot of freakin' money. I would so kick their ever-livin' asses right now if I could find them. I think we all get a little comfortable and trusting when it comes to our personal stuff...we should all learn from this and be proactive. Watch your accounts everyday! (If you are like me, you don't like to watch your accounts because you then realize how much money you are spending...ouch!)


Averi said...

Holy Crap! Can you find out who it is? THat sucks hard core! I am checking on mine and Pat's right now!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

Since all the charges were made in Mexico, I seriously doubt we will ever find out who did it BUT we will get our money back within two business days after we submit some forms. I am afraid to use my cards now. It will all work out!!

Jennifer Adling said...

That is crazy! I am so glad that you found it!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

The problem is...we didn't lose the card. Someone actually stole the numbers off of his debit card and used them in Mexico. Crazy!!

Kim said...

Crazy...sounds like our Vegas nightmare with matthias's least you get the $ back, those people will pay some day!

Averi said...

I agree...Karma is a bitch. They will get their's one day!