Saturday, January 06, 2007

South Beach Baby!

For those of you who I haven't bragged to enough already...I am going to South Beach Miami on Wednesday. This is the actual hotel where we are staying...WOW, huh? I am going for a National Sales Meeting. The only bad thing about it is I have to be away from my family for four nights. That's a long time. Two nights would be enjoyable but my heart will be aching for my kiddos by day 3. I know they will be okay because Grammie is coming on Saturday to stay with them and Hays does a great job while I am away but I still miss them so much. I am sure I won't have an ounce of fun!!! (Who knows me better than that?) So, for you people who will be in the 30 and 40 degree temperatures while I am in SoBe, I am going to whine that the first day I am there it will only be 73 degrees. I have been watching the weather closely and it was supposed to be 80 but they have changed the forecast. BUMMER! I get in at 1pm and don't have any events to be at until 7pm so I was so looking forward to a day at the beach. 73 is not all that warm. OH WELL, it will still be fun. I will be checking blogs and posting a little through Tuesday night but after that, I won't be back online posting and commenting until Monday the 15th. I will for sure posts pics from my trip.


Kim said...

I'm sure your not gonna have any fun!! Got your text this you too!! Did you get your closet cleaned out????

Averi said...

You may not want to hang on the beach in that weather, but it is perfect weather for SHOPPING!!!!! I mean, if you think you already have enough, I know a sister-in-law of yours that would love stuff!
Hey, why don't you just hire me as your personal babysitter for trips. I will quit my job and you can pay me to hang out with your kiddos. That way, they will be with you. Just let me know and I will give my two weeks :)

Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

Aaaagh! So jealous. Have fun and think of us here freezing! :-)

Jennifer Adling said...

That looks so fun! Take lots of pictures for me!

Stacy Chance said...

I am jealous. I hate the cold weather! My sister lives in Los Angeles and when it is 63 degrees people are at the beach so I'm sure you'll be fine! Can't wait to see more pictures.